
Thoughtful Thursdays...Thanksgiving

I wish you all a delicious Thanksgiving filled with friends and family to delight you to your soles. 

I am thankful for all the people in my life that inspire me and for all your love, feet, shoes and support you've shown.

love always,

abigail dagmar


Workin' Wednesday-It's The Effort That Counts... 

My years of selling shoes were filled with great times and funny stories.  Whenever the holiday shopping season rolls around I can't help recalling one particular customers effort to buy his wife a pair of Haflinger slippers.  One could tell immmediately that this gentleman was not in the habit of shopping by his look of uncertainty as he entered the shoe store so cautiously.  His expression was a mix of please help me but don't "sell" me anxiousness.  I approached with tenderness and asked gently if there was something particular he was shopping for.  He blurted out..."I want to buy my wife a pair of them you have those here....she said you would." He looked a bit relieved to hear that I knew what he was talking about and I didn't have the heart to correct his pronunciation.  He wasn't the first guy to call them Haffle-dingers.

I asked him what size I should bring out.

He looked stunned.


It clearly had not crossed his mind that he might need to know what size he should buy.  Suddenly he smiled and with a flat hand gesture under his chin he exclaimed "She's 'bout yea tall".  While there is a loose correlation between height and foot size I couldn't make him the hero he wanted to be by guessing what her shoe size was based on her being about "yea tall".  I suggested that if possible he should return home and get a pair of shoes from her closet and bring them in to help determine what size to purchase. He thought that was a great plan and returned shortly with the shoes and a thrilling story of how he snuck the shoes out of her closet while she was napping.

I brought a selection of colors we had in her size and again he was stumped.  "They come in more than one color?!" he exclaimed as if there was some conspiracy against him making a simple purchase.  He asked me to choose the color and ring him up quick-like since he had to get her shoes back in her closet before she woke up. I turned the shopping bag inside out so if she happened to be awake upon his return, she wouldn't know where he'd been.  He thanked me and wished me happy holidays.

While this sounds like a shopping fiasco I can't help but love the gesture.  It is not in the gift but in the giving that we see love and I hope he told her about his heroic efforts as she slipped her feet into those warm cozy Haffle-dingers(Haflingers).

love and giving,

abigail dagmar



What Size Does He/She Wear? 

Tips on Tuesday

The holiday shopping season is upon us and you may be inclined to shop for footwear for a loved one.  This can be tricky when it comes to getting the size right. Below are a few suggestions that may help you be the sole angel you wish to be...

-Ask what size they wear.  Now you may be concerned that this will give your gift intentions  away but you  could  ask for all the sizes they wear: shirts, pants, shoes, hats, dresses etc.  to keep them guessing.

-Peek in their closet.Take a look at least 4-5 pairs to see which size they wear the most or  look at the size of the  type of footwear you wish to buy for them.

-While you are in the closet, snag a pair of insoles out of their shoes to take with you when  you shop.  You can  often remove the insole of the shoe you want to buy and slip in their  insoles to see if it is a fit...Or you can match up the insoles to each other to get a sense if  the length is right.

-If you are willing to take a pair of insoles perhaps you might be brave enough to just take  the whole pair of shoes.  If you are going to a full service shoe store, the staff can help  find you a good size based on the shoes you brought in.  The wear pattern, insoles,  placement of buckles/laces and break point are all clues to help get the best size.

-If this is a gift for a woman...let me level with you...we love the "process" of trying shoes  and buying  take the stress off of yourself and get a gift certificate! Be creative  in the wrapping...perhaps put the gift certificate in a shoe box or slip it into the pocket of  a new over-the-door shoe organizer.  

-If your loved one frequents a particular shoe store it is likely that the store will have their  size history on file.  Don't panic if they know your loved one by first name and shoe size  without looking it up:) It just means they really love shoes and you are buying the perfect  gift.

-If aiming for the right size feels too overwhelming but you still want to treat their  tootsies...Find out their  ballpark shoe size and get them a pair of amazing socks.  Think SmartWool, ThorLo or Acorn socks.  Perhaps you might find a handmade pair of Alpaca or Angora hair socks to wow the one you love.  Socks are only a boring  gift if you buy boring socks.

best of sole,

abigail dagmar


Must Have Monday! El Naturalista Green Water N828 Review

These El Naturalistas have the WOW factor for sure!

You must have them!

I must have them!


Sweet Sunday Maynard...

This weekend was the last of farmers market till next season.  Along with buying a bag load of apples and a bunch of chard I had to stop at the music store and give Maynard the Cat a good chin scrubbin! Thankfully Maynard is not as seaonal as the market...there is always a season for love.