
Workin' Wednesday-Metarasals and the Rocker Bottoms

Got grief where your foot flexes? Learn about metatarsal support and rocker bottom soles... perhaps you'll find some relief.


The Long and the Short of It...

Tips on Tuesday

So you are special...not your average foot size and feel limited in your selection of shoes in your size. Any customer I have had with feet longer than a size 10 and shorter than a size 6 has that longing in their sole to just pick up a pair of shoes on display and try them on in her size.

Of course, men's sizes and kid's sizes can often work but obviously the styles aren't always what you are after...but if you are looking for athletic or duty shoes this can be a good place to start.  Also, be sure to hit the sale racks and if you have small feet and live in a big city be sure to go to "sample sales".

Many retail stores carry a limited selection of small and large sizes.  It is not that the shoe store owners have it out for is just a matter of dollars and cents.  Size 8 1/2 is what pays the rent, utilities and employees.  Be sure to support your local shoe stores that do specialize in hard to find shoe sizes or they will have to cut back on their selection...making the problem worse.

Online retailers have some advantage in terms of offering a wider variety of styles in your size.  They often can pull directly from a vendors stock so they don't actually have to have the size in their own warehouse.  Also, they typically can carry a larger amount of stock because they are not using any physical "showroom" space to display their products. Thus, more room for more sizes...hurray!

The Long of It...look for styles with a rounded or blunt toebox and straps that run horizontal across your feet if you want your feet to look smaller...but I say...embellish your feet with any shoe you love that fits great. These online retailers specialize in your size: and

The Short of It...look for styles that have an elongated toebox and straps that have vertical or diagonal strapping if you wish for your feet to look a bit longer...but I say...celebrate your feet with any shoe that fits perfectly.  These online retailers specialize in your size: and

In general, and offer a wide size range in many styles.  You can search their inventory "by size" so that you are presented with choices that actually come in your size. 

Love and Fit First,

abigail dagmar


Must Have Monday! Miz Mooz Heather Halloween

-Nothing Scary About Finding Off-Season Sandals On Sale...

Unless They Get Possessed By Other Soles-


Sweet Sundays...Marsh Morning

Lettin' my feet be free on a sweet Sunday morning...go ahead and put your feet up deserve it!

(thanks to lil' black bird for her awesome pad and hosting girls fun!)


Shoe Party Saturday....Rockin' in Fluevogs Mini Sugar

You never know what fabulous boots you might encounter at a dance concert...though I did know that these stunners were designed by John Fluevog the minute I laid eyes on them.  There is no mistaking John's penchant for edgy styling and decadent colors.  Thank you to Kara for having the bucks to buy them, the chops to wear them and letting me live in your boot excitement vicariously...Shine on Sister!

boot hugs,

abigail dagmar