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When to Shop for Shoes...

Tips on Tuesdays

Naturally, I am inclined to recommend shopping for shoes any time the mood or notion strikes you.

But...Is there a best time of day, week, month or year to buy footwear?

A general "rule of toe" is to shop for shoes in the afternoon.  This advice stems from the idea that most peoples feet are a bit swollen in the afternoons and it is best to fit shoes to your feet when they are at their "largest".

The point is to learn when YOUR feet are in their swollen state.

Mine tend to be biggest in the morning...I notice that is when my slippers feel the snuggest. Some folks find that their feet are swollen more after spending several hours walking around or after eating salty foods.

OFF SEASON...Is the time to buy shoes for the best prices and Pre-Season Sales for the best selection of style and sizes especially if your wear a popular size.

Also, buy shoes when you need them.  Continuing to wear worn out, done-for shoes can wreak havoc on your feet, knees and lower back.  As much fun as it is to buy shoes when we want them it is wise to make sure the shoes we wear the most (work shoes, running shoes) are replaced when needed.

We have all heard of retail therapy and we know there are much more constructive ways to deal with the stresses of life but...once in a while we indulge in denial and distraction and go shopping.  I will say that nothing chases away my blues quite like a new pair of shoes.

My favorite time to buy shoes is when I am on vacation.  Shoes are the perfect souvenir. You have something practical packed with memories in every stride. You may only step in the same river once but you can sure wax nostalgic when you wear those shoes again. 

love and new shoes,

abigail dagmar



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