Green Bananas
Workin' Wednesday :)
I love my "shoe-stomers"! I have learned and laughed and fallen in love in the shoe business and want you to know i have appreciated all of you!
I have always believed in buying multiple pairs of the same shoe if I have fallen in love with them and that brings to mind a set of very senior sisters that used to buy shoes from me.
Extravert Sister: These shoes feel soooo good... I must have them! How many colors do they come in....I want them all!
Introvert Sister: HOW MANY COLORS DO THEY COME IN??!? are you kidding me? I don't even buy green bananas any more....we might be gone before they ripen and you want to know how many colors these shoes come in!
Extravert Sister:...(eye roll)...She just doesn't love shoes the way we do darling...lets wrap them all up:)
It's your call on the green bananas but be sure to buy multiples when you find shoes you love and fit you perfectly!
Love and Lots of Shoes, Dagmar
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