
Another Word On Athlete's Foot...

If you happen to catch the onset of Athletes Foot early or have a mild case of it I recommend applying some good 'ol fashioned Bragg's Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother".  Simply pour some on a paper towel or long narrow strip of gauze and wrap through the affected toes/areas.  I have successfully warded off prolonged cases of Athletes Foot this way and it beats dealing with expensive creams.  You will also want to follow the preventative guidelines I put forth in my previous Athlete's Foot post.  Hippocrates said "Let food be your medicine..." and I am inclined to agree!  Feed your toes that vinegar and be athlete's foot free:)

pickled toes,



The Ever UGG Classic...

How do you NOT have a pair of these scrumptious boots!

If you need convincing read on... 


Happy In My Campers

I give you glitz and comfort all in one shoe...well actually, it's all brought to you by Camper's!


When in Rome....

Errr...When in Caesar's Palace....put on your groovy hat and point the way with friends!


The Vegas Melting Pot of Shoes...

Workin' Wednesday

I have just returned from a work conference in Las Vegas and WOW were there a lot of shoes to look at! While standing in line at guest reception I shoe-watched and realized that Vegas draws in shoes from every walk of life and corner of the world. Stillettos of towering heights clicked by while Ugg boots quietly made their way around business oxfords and flip flops adorned with sequins. Boots were abound in every shaft height imaginable from teacup ankle booties to thigh highs that would make Captain Jack Sparrow blush. Perhaps the sway of the high life in Vegas made me swoon over that pair of Prada boots ahead of me on the escalator.

I often hear that it's fun to people watch in Vegas but I suggest a bit of sole watching as well...Thanks for humoring me while I let my “shoe freak flag” fly.