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FlashBack Friday

“Can you imagine spending 35 years teaching kindergarten in high heels?” One of my favorite shoe-stomers “Evelyn” said those were the shoes and years that caused her bunions to nearly cripple her. High heels are notorious for encouraging bunions and yet we continue our love affair with them. Even now, Evelyn's face lights up when she sees a pair of red heels. We always tried them on for the thrill...knowing full well that the only shoes she can wear now are orthopedic in shape and certainly aren't offered in red. She shared with me that she wished that she had only worn heels for special occasions so that she could wear them now once in a while. Her bunions got so bad that she can't wear heels for more than five minutes before the excruciating pain sets in.

Quite a few years ago, Evelyn brought me a pair of her heels from her teaching days. A prized pair of un-apologetically red heels with crisp white detailing complete with little tassels. She had saved all her fancy shoes and wanted to give me this pair as we wear the same size and she said she knew I would “wear them responsibly”. These vintage pumps are lovely; the curve of the heel cup so perfect. I promised to care for them and treat them like a rich dessert only to be indulged in once in a while. I have a set of beginner bunions and they do holler when I wear these little beauties. I will heed the lesson of Evelyn's experience and listen to my feet. We only get one set of feet...lets all be nice to them most of the time:)

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