MBT Sport Grey Shoe Review

Must Have Monday
Masai Barefoot Technology -MBT shoes have caused quite a stir from their very inception and these days their concept is considered controversial. From the moment you put them on your feet you know that these are not ordinary shoes. MBT would like you to think of them as mini rehabilitative gyms on your feet. There are folks that will tell you they are the best/worst shoes ever. They have been called a gimmick and I have personally had customers say the MBT's took away all their foot pain. I would like you to remember my best words of wisdom when considering whether MBT's are for you: “IT DEPENDS”. Of course, it depends on your particular foot shape, foot concerns, planned usage and your own expectations. The toughest part is that you really don't know until you try them. They are a spendy commitment but if you buy a latte everyday then you can afford to give them a whirl and if it doesn't work out you can thank ebay for a “plan b” way to recoup your money—just try that with your lattes.
I have three pairs of MBT's and feel it is worth putting in my two cents on the matter of these odd shoes. I was extremely skeptical when I first saw the MBT Sport and was reluctant to even try them on. It is not in my nature to deny a fair shake to any pair of shoes, so I did try them. I have never had an experience like this when it comes to shoes. I felt my shoulders relax and noticed a heady feeling that cleared up as I began to make laps around the shoe store. I couldn't help but smile. I was instructed to take small strides and feel my head centered over my body and notice the reduction in overall pressure to my spine and joints. It was remarkable and so it came to be that I am personally a fan of MBT's.
Folks love to ask me “Do they work?” This is such a tricky question because I never know if the question is aimed at the shoes health and fitness claims, their supposed ability to cure plantar fascititis and/or the notion that they will reshape your body and specifically your derriere. I have certainly had customers tell me that their foot pain has been completely relieved from wearing their MBT's but I know that this is a case by case type of miracle.
What I notice is that my whole body feels better in general when I wear them. In fact, when my lower back gives me grief I turn to my MBT's. I go for a ½ hour walk and find that my lower back relaxes and the pain goes away and that is a fact I cannot deny for myself nor promise to you.
Yes, yes...but will they lift my/your butt?
My answer is “Sure they will...as much as any other shoes you actually commit to using regularly!” We all are after that magic bullet but you know deep down that you gotta do the work—not just wear the shoes. I will say that they certainly seem to engage more of my muscles as I walk and have noticed toning in my hamstrings and feel my abdominals doing their job to balance me as I walk....but don't miss the point that I am out there actively working up a sweat. One of my favorite people and personal trainer pointedly reminded me that if I want to improve my bottom line I simply need to incorporate 100 clean squats into my daily life! I like to do the squats in my MBT's because they do provide a greater challenge but honestly I am not the biggest fan of squats.
Ultimately, I just want to say that I love wearing my MBT's and are without a doubt the most comfortable pair of walking shoes I have ever had.
If you have the funds I do recommend trying MBT's out for yourself, watch the dvd they come with, follow their usage guidelines and decide for your self. The current equivalent model is called the Sport 2 Grey As always, and especially with such a specialized shoe, I recommend you visit your local MBT dealer to get the best fit and information. If you do not have a local dealer I suggest ordering them from zappos.com, taking advantage of their free shipping and seriously watch the dvd and wear them around the house a bit before committing to them.
Also, feet do tend to get pretty hot wearing MBT's so be sure to treat yourself to a nice pair of moisture-wicking socks.
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